ピーターパン実況中継 ♫♪


Bababa baba ba-abaaa ♪♪
Or as others sometimes say, “Up up up, above our heads ♫♪”. Everybody likes balloon jumping, though, and the two boys are definitely putting all their energy into the jumping, the rushing, and the holding of their positions (Mr. Gorilla in particular). Sometimes I think they’re just being rowdy and not listening to anything I say, but when they later repeat my words back at me, I realize that they really had been.


The girls are equally dedicated albeit somewhat more composed; probably because they are older. They are the voice of reason and, though our Friday/Tuesday boys lead with their vocal dominance calls, our girls drive the group with their temperance and their intellect.

And so, through the rough and tumble of our games, as well as the moments of deep focus
from our writing, cutting, and coloring sessions, I am very pleased to see everyone making significant progress (reacting to my English words and using English in creative ways) .
How lucky we are to have such bright minds!

posted by キューティマム at 21:57 | 東京 ☀ | Comment(0) | 授業日記
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