Apparently Yumenoshima used to be a landfill.
I guess that explains that huge hole in the middle of the place.
May 22nd was a pretty awesome day for everyone at the annual Paideia Outdoor Day event, attended by new faces and veterans alike. My, did the time fly that day.
Everybody was super excited starting off from Monzen Nakacho station that morning.
There was such a long line for the bus at Toyocho station, though, that we had to wait for the second one to come by so we could all get on together.
But that meant we pretty much had the whole bus to ourselves, which was pretty cool.
After getting separated at our destination because the group somehow split in two and went in opposite directions, we rejoined forces at the main spot and played away: tag, jump rope, tug-a-war, candy catch, you name it!
We were having so much fun that other kids we didn’t know even ditched their parents to come play with us.
Then came the much awaited time for the picnic.
All of us feasted on and shared all the wonderful foods prepared for us.
Even the ants seemed to be getting in on the goodness.
After lunch, some gathered around Samuel to listen to a few strums, and delight at Powel’s ecstatic gypsy dance, others had their fun riding on wheelchairs down at the awareness tent.
Then off for part two at the pool! With excitement and anticipation, everyone (almost everyone) changed into their swimsuits and dived in.
Some swarmed the teachers and rode the dragons through the raging waters, while others slid down the slide countless times, and explored the different pools the center had to offer.
Heading back to our rendezvous point, some snuck snacks onto the bus to recharge at least some of their energy for the ride back home.
Everyone must have slept supremely well that night!
Come and play with us again next year and perhaps see some of these faces again: Powel, Samuel, Arnaud, Leti, Lone Lone, and Alain